Contains:  Other
M1 The Crab Nebula, Taurus A (wide field), Terry Hancock

M1 The Crab Nebula, Taurus A (wide field)

M1 The Crab Nebula, Taurus A (wide field), Terry Hancock

M1 The Crab Nebula, Taurus A (wide field)


Wide Field View.

Four Hours of M1. This is one of the last images I shot using the QHY8 OSC CCD camera, I didn’t process it then as I really didn’t think it turned out that great, with a OSC camera this object needs a minimum of 6 hours IMHO

M1 The Crab Nebula (NGC 1952, Taurus A)

November 12th 2009

QHY8 Gain 1% Offset 130

16 subs 900 seconds (4 hours), with flat and bias frames

TMB 130SS using AT 2" Field Flattener

Autoguided with Orion Auto Guider on TMB 80SS


Image acquired with Nebulosity II, Stacked with Nebulosity II and processed with Photoshop CS3, with tools Noise Ninja and Astra Image's Wavelet Sharpen.

Comments Welcome

Clear Skies




M1 The Crab Nebula, Taurus A (wide field), Terry Hancock